The following websites provide useful information; they do not provide professional diagnosis or therapy.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.
National Council for Behavioral Health
The National Council for Behavioral Health (National Council) is the unifying voice of America’s community mental health and addictions treatment organizations. Together with our 2,000 member organizations, we serve our nation’s most vulnerable citizens — more than eight million adults and children living with mental illnesses and addiction disorders. We are committed to ensuring all Americans have access to comprehensive, high-quality care that affords every opportunity for recovery and full participation in community life.
Narcotics Anonymous
NIDA – National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIDA’s mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.
NIMH – National Institutes of Mental Health
NIMH envisions a world in which mental illnesses are prevented and cured. The mission of NIMH is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.
Rethinking Drinking – NIAAA
For anyone who drinks, this site offers valuable, research-based information. What do you think about taking a look at your drinking habits and how they may affect your health? Rethinking Drinking can help you get started.
SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.
State Resources
Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association
Florida Council for Community Mental Health
Florida Council on Aging
State of Florida
National Resources
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
National Institute of Mental Health
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
For friends and families of problem drinkers
Alcoholics Anonymous
American Association of Suicidology
For those involved in suicide prevention and intervention, or touched by suicide
American Association for Technology in Psychiatry
The American Association for Technology in Psychiatry (formerly, the Psychiatric Society for Informatics), a nonprofit membership organization of physicians and mental health professionals, is dedicated to the development and use of information technology to improve the quality and availability of psychiatric and mental health care.
Faces and Voices of Recovery
Faces and Voices of Recovery is committed to organizing and mobilizing the millions of Americans in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction, our families, friends, and allies to speak with one voice.
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (FADAA)
The mission of FADAA is to represent its members in advancing addiction treatment, prevention and research through public policy leadership, communications, professional development and quality member services.
Florida Council for Community Mental Health
The Florida Council for Community Mental Health (FCCMH) is a statewide association of 70 community-based mental health and substance abuse agencies. The association’s membership includes a number of agencies that specialize in substance abuse services and children’s services, as well as hospital-based programs.
Everybody Works. Growing business and jobs through a skilled workforce. The FloridaWorks’ vision is that our community will have a world-class workforce that meets the needs of business and provides opportunities for job seekers today and in the future. FloridaWorks’ vision is externally focused, market-oriented, and describes how we want to impact the world. This vision serves to clarify our direction and to assist our team and partners to understand how everyday actions can help us work toward achieving our ultimate goals.
My Florida: Official Portal of the State of Florida
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate professional treatment is received or until the crisis resolves.
Financial Assistance Resources
Medicaid Information, General
Find out if you qualify for Medicaid
Florida Healthy Kids
Florida Kid Care
If you need immediate medical assistance, call 911.
For mental health emergencies, call MHRC North at (904) 695-9145 or MHRC South at (904) 642-9100 at any time, day or night.
To reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, call 1-800-TALK at any time, day or night; or visit their website at SuicidePreventionLifeline.Org
If you would like to speak to someone about MHRC services, please call our MHRC South outpatient clinic at (904) 642-9100 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.